Our business experience over 30 years includes managing small business enterprises; directorship of Companies, Associations and not-for-profit organisations; Board Directorship roles; business innovation such as successful start-ups, growth and sale of businesses; and providing contractor services to reform projects and change programs within Australian businesses and government.
We provide a range of business services to augment the function and productivity of organisations. These include:
- curriculum design & evaluation
- psychometric analysis
- systems mapping and maturity
- business needs analysis
- business planning
- business improvement
- risk management
- change management
- facilitation of strategic conversations, planning days and focus groups
- coaching and mentoring
- project management
- program management
- productivity improvement
- evaluation services
The Centre for Leadership Excellence recognises and embraces having a customer focus as a fundamental element in effective quality management. Equally, we recognise that quality management systems require management’s commitment and drive to be successful. One area of our business expertise is relationship management and our ability to bring people on board. Our consultants are highly experienced in the business sectors of the client organisations they serve and have significantly contributed to the efficiency reform of business processes and systems.
The Centre uses ‘best practice’ informed by our consultants’ research and professional study in the design and development of learning materials, in their approach to the learning and business environment, and in a systems approach to business planning. We look at balancing the unique qualities of an organisation with the practices that it has in common with others. When developing new procedures, manuals and training packages, for example, we have worked in partnership with subject matter experts to ensure the best practice applicable to their arena in conjunction with our adult learning principles expertise.
Ongoing quality assurance principles are strictly adhered to in all of our consultancy and business services delivery. Our consultants are members of professional associations and some are elected representatives of their profession on a state and/or national basis. All of our consultants contribute as members of a community of practice in their chosen fields that keeps them up-to-date with standards.